Critical Care


Critical care medicine is a medical specialty that deals with seriously or critically ill patients who have, are at risk or are recovering from conditions that may be life threatening. It includes providing life support, invasive monitoring techniques, resuscitation and end of life care. Critical Care area or Intensive Care Unit (ICU) operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Patients are admitted to ICU if their medical needs are greater than what the general hospital ward care provide. Such situations arise in cases of hemodynamic instability (hypertension/ Hypotension), respiratory compromise (ventilator support), acute renal failure, multi-organ failure, cardiac arrhythmias or even in crucial hours after major surgeries when the patient is deemed too unstable to be transferred to a ward.


  1. All types of Cardiac Emergencies.
  2. Accident & Trauma Management – care of the severely injured due to an automobile accident, gunshot or stabbing wounds, fall, burns, or an industrial & Household accident.
  3. ARDS
  4. Acute neurological emergencies
  5. Acute ventilator failure
  6. Toxicological emergencies
  7. Complex electrolyte imbalances
  8. Septic shocks
  9. Postoperative medical emergencies, surgical complications etc.
  10. Premature birth Management


  1. Fully motorized electric beds
  2. Invasive and non invasive hemodynamic monitoring
  3. Advanced ventilators for adult, pediatric and nenonates
  4. Defibrillator with central pacing facility
  5. MGPS system for Central supply of oxygen air and other Medical gases
  6. Round-the-clock services by qualified Critical Care specialists, Pulmonologists, Anesthetists, Trained Intensive Care Nurses , Dietitians, Physiotherapist and paramedicalstaff
  7. Portable equipment to perform bedside Ultrasonography , X-Rays, 2D/3D Echocardiography, Endoscopy, Per-cutaneous Tracheotomy for all kinds of diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in ICU  

Specialists : Dr. Harsha Reddy